End range joint strength refers to the ability of a joint to generate force while in the end range of its motion. This is important for activities that require joint stability and control, such as sports or everyday tasks like lifting or carrying objects.
Here are a couple of factors that can influence end range joint strength.
Muscle strength and endurance. The muscles surrounding a joint play a crucial role in its stability and ability to generate force.
Flexibility is also important for end range joint strength. If a joint is too tight, it may not be able to move through its full range of motion, which can limit its strength. Stretching and flexibility exercises can help improve joint range of motion and, in turn, end range joint strength. BOOOYAAA

There are a few techniques I like to use when targeting improvement in end range joint health.
Taking a Joint to its end range actively(furthest position you can take the joint without external help) and adding a load to work on that specific capacity.
I may use an external force to take you to a deeper position that you couldn't get to without that force, and strengthen that position with isometrics.
Who the HELL knows what I may do.
The point is that you can't just avoid the range because you feel you cant get there. That is how most injuries happen. Your body experiences a capacity that it has no idea what to do and BAM! You are sitting at a physio office because you blew your back tying your shoe.
Overall, end range joint strength is important for stability and control in movement. Incorporating exercises that focus on muscle strength and flexibility can help improve end range joint strength and function.